Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Well, we had a lot of Chinese food in China! Big surprise! Some things were always similar, and other things not. We were ALWAYS served at a large table with big lazy susan in the middle..always. It is just the way groups of people eat in China. They would basically bring a fresh cooked dish for each person and we would all share. No serving utensils.  Most of the time it was chopsticks, but a few resturants would bring forks if you asked. Some of the food was similar to what we eat in a Chinese restaurant here. Depending what provence or area we were in, sometimes the food would be spicier, or more noodles, or more meat,but always soup was brought half way through and always rice. Dessert was rare...actually never. chinese are not big dessert eaters, neither do they eat much cheeses or milk.  Watermelon sliced, came at the end of the meal, and then you knew they were done bringing food. Mostly tea was served,we could usually order a beer. Liquor is heavily taxed in China, so most people drink tea or bootleg. We had a lunch where our guide brought each table a bottle of the local 120% proof. Yep! Served in the tiniest glasses ever. I drank mine, but holy cow! My mouth would have exploded if a flame was around!
One night we had a special dumpling dinner, only served in that area. Small little pillows of dough stuffed with an endless selection of delicacies like meats, sausages, roasted pumpkin, sage, vegetables. It was fabulous beyond words. We could hardly move after because of stuffing ourselves. The Chinese love to have festive times around food, so it was always fun.  I liked everything, but think I may take a break for awhile from Chinese food.  We never did get chicken feet or any of the REAL exotic strange stuff I know they eat in private. They were very aware of "Western preferences".

Tibet was different. No lazy susan, bland, rough food...yak, goat, potaoes, and even Indian food as of their strong ties with Nepal. So Chapaties, and even an odd pizza.  Their staple is a barley paste dough, and I tried everything. The hotel we stayed in had a wonderful fancy variety of food, even King Crab and sushi, but out in the town, expect the common food of Tibet...which isn't really gormet as it is  substancial.  

The picture of the dried fish, etc was taken out over my boat deck. One moring we were awoken early by loud talking and I got up and the Chiese on the boat were buying all sorts of fishy things from the Chinese boat people below. Lots of bargaining and nets filled with money and fish going up to the deck of the people who were buying.  Quite a racket, but quite interesting too!

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