Saturday, December 5, 2015


Guess it was too good to be true...staying well in India. At The Taj Mahal, I
felt a scratchy throat coming on. The next am I was feeling pretty bad. Chills, slight temp, headache, lethargic, and sore! The problem was this was a major travel day and I had to jump on board. My memories of this day were just blurring trying to get thru it. Thank goodness for Jill and Denise who took care of a lot of things for me.
We started out early for a 5 hour bus trip to Dehli Airport, where we waited a couple of hours for a flt to Varanasi. We stopped at a Chinese resturant, and I am not sure why, but I only ate some soup. Then we flew to Varanasi and had to take another bus to the hotel. It was 12 hours of waiting and traveling, and as soon as I got to my room, I hit the sack. No pictures of my miserable self. I slept well but in the am had a full blown cold. But I Had brought a trusty medicine pouch with me, so started doctoring myself and tried to go on a couple sights, but couldnt quite do it.
Varanasi, or Kashi as the locals call it, is Hindu's Holiest city and center of learning,civilization and religion since time immemorial.  It lacks ancient fortresses, palaces, and important architecture, but  exudes an allure and mystique unlike any other Indian City, thanks to its sacred place of pilgrimage. We had a lot planned and I was determined not to miss this city on the Ganges.

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