Monday, May 16, 2022


 Well, I must address the Covid issue. We were all being careful, especially on the ship where we were mandated to be masked everywhere except,our rooms. It was really getting old. I had never even seen some of the crew’s faces. Then I would notice a few people “disappearing” from dinner or side trips. At first it was just an ominous feeling that things were changing.

We we got to Sardina, we were in a locked down port, as reported before. To go anywhere, one had to get on a bus,  be checked by port staff  both ways, so we didn’t have the freedom as we had had in other port stations. Steve and Ali got on a bus and found our way to a big Sandy beach. One could tell by the messes of coffee shops this was a busy place when weather was good. The next day, I talked Nan and Bruce to go8ng back to the beach for a few hours, as it was Sunday and they whole island was on time out! Steve went on an excursion  and I finally got to walk and walk and walk….

After we got back from a morning spent on the beach…..Bruce really took a down turn and went to bed with the chills and headache.  After he rested, Nan made him take the 15 min PCR test. POSITIVE. ON the ship they have an honor system and if you do your own test and it is positive, you are supposed to report it to the ships Dr. She was from Ukraine, and she would come to your room and retest. So Brucie baby was quarantined and Nan was moved into another room on another floor. She was Negative and didn’t want to get any more exposed than she already had been. Lockdown on the ship was REALLY locked in your room with no cleaning services and food brought on trays to your door..and basically one could not leave their room for any reason.  The trip was changing.

On another note, since it WAS still the Easter holiday, we got big chocolate bunnies on our beds, and there were Easter treats in the cocktail lounge and entertainment by the crew and staff.  None of these guys are singers or dancers, but they sure had fun pretending to be….. I had to slip off  my mask to laugh and sip my drinks….oh oh


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