Saturday, June 24, 2023


 Today was a great day with lots of information and excursions on the Isle of Skye. We left our lodgings and headed to the northern part of Skye. We were joined by a local man who knew so much about the history, ancient and modern. He took us to some very ancient sites where people have discovered stone artifacts from the Druids and the Pics. We  learned all about “crofting” and how it affects so many small all land owners. We learned all about Clans of the old centuries and how modern Scottish history was developed. We tromped thru hill and dale

finding these ancient sites and it was raining all the time.

Before lunch we ended up on a small sheep crofting property and the owner, Ewing , had a beautiful boarder collie that was being trained to heard the sheep. Even tho it was raining and blowing sideways, we stood and listened as it was so interesting. Then we hustled back to the van and he served us hot tea and Scottish scones for a treat.  Then it was off to lunch at a cooperative that takes kids from all over Scotland and teaches them how to be resilient, successful. 

The clouds blew away and we were able to site see the magnificent lifts and out droppings that make the Isle of Skye so dramatic. After dropping us off at our lodgings, Steve was tired, but I decided to take a quick 4 mile hike nearby called “Scorrybreac Trail” which wound all around the water before it rose to the top of a big grassy Cliff. I was hustling because we had a dinner reservation in 1 1/2 hr. And I wanted to get back. I made it all sweaty . Had a shower and enjoyed fresh local mussels for dinner. 

Tomorrow we are heading the Isle of Harris, and we need to be on a ferry by noon for a 3 hr ferry trip. It’s supposed to be stormy…so 

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