Friday, January 26, 2018


After Breakfast today we got a 3 day anywhere pass so we could ride any buses, trains/metro, or ferry in and around Copenhagen. Then we set off to explore the sights. It was a cool day and I kept getting cold. We hopped on a d off a d went to parks, the Royal Palace, Tivoli, the canals, all the while watching out for the bikers who are everywhere! 

Tivoli is usually closed all winter, but they have decided to open in Feb. so we watched as they sprayed fake snow on everything, including us if we got to close. We saw the changing of the guard at the Palace, and in the cool winter day. Steve and I split on of Denmark's famous open face sandwich and a beer at Tivoli.

The fashion in Denmark is very tight pants...both sexes, and fur coats, or fur gloves, but fake or real, I couldn't tell. Danes definitely have their own fashion sense, and I love it.

As we were headed back to our hotel, we decided to go to the fancy department store that has all the good chocolate downstairs. They were giving out lots of we indulged...AGAIN! We came back and rested and got cleaned up for a nice dinner out at a small place called Kompasset, which is typical of the small-ish restaurants around the area. We both had 
Halibut served on squid ink and vegetables. Portions are always on the light side in Denmark, so no doggie bags. We talked to some Danes about their customs vs ours and enjoyed a laid back evening.

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